Phone: 256-451-3241
Degrees and Certifications:
University of West Alabama - 2008-2009 Jacksonville State University - Bachelor's of Science Degree Applied Mathematics -2002-2004 Northeast Alabama Community College - Associates of Science Degree - 2000-2002 Pisgah High School - 1996-2000 Rosalie Elementary School - 1988-1996 Experience Pisgah High School - 2007- present Subjects taught: Seventh and Eighth grade math, Algebra I, Algebra II, Algebra with Finance, Calculus 1, Dance, and Leadership. North Sand Mountain - 2 years - 2005-2007 Subjects taught: Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Algebraic Connections, and Leadership.
Mrs. LaShawna Metz
I was born and raised in Pisgah and still reside here. I graduated from Pisgah High School in 2000. I went on to attend NACC, JSU, and received my master's degree from UWA. I married Shane Metz in 2011 and I have a son Jackson who just turned 14, and I also have 3 step children. I enjoy reading, and I love spending time with my family and friends and playing with my children.
Subjects Taught
Algebra ll with Trig, Math 8, Algebra I, Algebra with Finance