The Alabama Literacy Act was passed into law and requires that all third grade students pass at the level of "proficient" on the ACAP (Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Progam) test given beginning the spring of 2022. Several other aspects of the law are required which include a stringent system of notifying parents of reading deficiencies, progress monitoring, and support for struggling readers.
Stevenson Elementary School has been proactive to begin the work of supporting our struggling readers. During the summer of 2020, the SPRIE reading intervention program was purchased. It is an evidenced-based reading support program intended to be used with struggling readers as well we students who may display Dyslexic characterisitics. Two veteran teachers have been tasked with providing this very important service to our children. Faculty and staff meet a minimum of once a month with the principal, reading coach, math coach, and intervention teachers to disucss individual students progress and to discuss the need to change strategies for each students.
Students who have displayed consistent deficiences have had a SRIP (Student Reading Intervention Plan) created which lays out the individual nature of their deficiencies and the individual supports they'll be given.